Archive for the Uncategorized Category

Over the River and Through the Woods…

Posted in Ah musings, Uncategorized with tags , , on February 9, 2011 by franklinmckibbon

Alright, I’ll say it now.   I never thought I was going to hear the words “you’re hired” again.  5 months of sending out resumes, tracking down leads, hounding potential employers to death and worrying about debt load had started to make doubt my employability.  I mean, I wasn’t exactly being picky.  Today alone I applied to be a labourer, a UPS driver, a meat wrapper, a sandwich maker, a bus driver and a dishwasher.
As it turns out, the last is what I got.  I’ll be working in a camp location, somewhere in the wilds of Alberta with a red seal chef.  He knows my ambitions, so he’s said he’ll gladly use me in other capacities should the need arise.  Truthfully, I think he was as desperate to find someone as I was to find something.  I really don’t care.  It’s in the industry I want, it’s at the level I want, and it starts tomorrow.  Yup.  A three minute phone interview, a realization that we knew a Chef in common, and a short discussion on where I should buy shoes.

I’m going off grid folks.  I don’t know where the camp is, what is expected of me, who I’m working for, or when I’ll be online again.  And I don’t really care.  I have a job.

I’ll fill you in as I know more.  I’ve got to pack.