Petunia and the Loons Salad

I created this salad to feed the first band I promoted in my hometown. In honour of the great show they put on, I’ve named it for them.

Let me tell you something about this recipe, though by now, it shouldn’t be a secret to you. If you don’t like basmati, use the kind of rice you like. If you think almonds make a nicer flavour blend, please, substitute. If you’ve got a head of broccoli that needs to be used up, and sweet peas just aren’t your thing, by all means, broccoli it up! Alfalfa sprouts, instead of bean? Go to town. The sultana raisins are an absolute must. By no means should you use ANYTHING but sultanas.

I’m lying. Use whatever raisins you have on hand. Use Craisins if you must.

And enjoy.

2 Cups Cooked rice, half Brown Basmati, half regular.
1 Package Spinach, coarsely chopped.
4-5 Sticks Celery, Chopped.
½-1 Cup Sweet peas, cut into ¼-½” pieces.
½-1 Cup Cashews. If salted, give them a bit of a rinse.
1-2 Cup Bean sprouts.
5 or 6 Sundried Tomatoes, coarsely chopped.
½-1 Cup Sultana Raisins.


¼ Cup Soya Sauce. Splurge and buy Kikkomen, or some other good soya.
¼-½ Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil. (On this, I don’t bend. Canola is not good enough.)
1 Tbsp Sesame Oil. (Yes, this IS necessary.)
The juice of one lime.
Sugar or Honey to taste.

Mix the dressing well. Blend all ingredient, EXCEPT the spinach, at least an hour before serving. 15 minutes before meal time, toss with spinach.

Drizzle the top with a bit o’ sesame oil.


One Response to “Petunia and the Loons Salad”

  1. Created September 19th, 2008.

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